I’m Dreaming of a Christ Christmas

Colossians 3:16 – “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.”

The first part of this verse focuses on the word of Christ dwelling richly in me in all wisdom. From where does this wisdom come? The answer is in the Bible in James 1:5. “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.” And then in James 3:17, it says, “But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy.” In order for me to be the living sacrifice that God desires (Romans 12:1), His Word must be established within me, and I must walk according to it (Psalm 119:133). So, I need to ask God for wisdom as I diligently read my Bible, meditate upon it, and hide its words in my heart.

The second part of today’s verse says I should teach and admonish (urge earnestly) others through singing. I am so grateful to have the Holy Spirit reveal to me that singing is multi-purposeful!

When I asked Jesus to forgive my sins and be my Saviour, I knew that one of my Christian responsibilities would be to share the gospel of Christ with others. I didn’t realize then that this could be done in more ways than simply handing out a track or knocking on a door. In fact, I have learned that there are a myriad of ways to share Jesus with other people. In this particular verse, it is accomplished through “psalms and hymns and spiritual songs,” which are sung with grace in the hearts of believers as a testimony to others! How wonderful to know that when I lift my voice in song to God, not only does it allow me to worship my Lord through my singing, but it can also be a way of sharing His love with others!

As I reflected on this verse, the Holy Spirit of God brought to my mind a very dear friend. She is a talented poet and songwriter, whose work is always Christ-centered. Today’s devotional so clearly reminded me of her and the beautiful words she writes. As she shares her poetry, I find that often I am taught or admonished to walk more closely with the Lord, hide His Word in my heart, or trust His promises. Some of her writings push me to deep reflections, while others lift my spirit to new heights as I praise the Lord!

Let me share with you one of her most recent writings, which I am sure will bless you greatly. Many of you may have heard the famous song, “White Christmas” written by Irving Berlin. If you don’t know the words, you can probably hum the familiar melody. Her latest poem, “I’m Dreaming of a Christ Christmas” can be sung to the tune of Berlin’s “White Christmas.”

Here are the words so beautifully penned by my friend, Mrs. Dody Hall.

A Christ Christmas

I’m dreaming of a Christ Christmas,
Just like the first one long ago,
With the angels singing,
And Heaven ringing,
And grace and mercy here below,

I’m dreaming of a Christ Christmas,
With every word and prayer I say,
May our hearts be humble and right,
As we show that Jesus is the Light.

I’m dreaming of a Christ Christmas,
Oh how my heart is longing so,
To see loved ones kneeling,
Their hearts revealing,
Oh Jesus wash us whiter than snow,

I’m dreaming of a Christ Christmas,
With every word and prayer I say,
May our hearts be humble and right,
As we show that Jesus is the Light.

Through this poem, I am reminded of the gift of my Saviour so many years ago, a time when the angels sang in the heavens, declaring the glory of God to all the earth! I am also admonished to continue praying for those so dear to me who have yet to accept God’s precious gift of salvation through His beloved Son, Jesus.

The next time I sing a hymn, I will remember that it’s more than just a poem set to music. It’s God speaking to my heart through a melody of love entwined with words rich with meaning, which can also be used to encourage and enlighten others for Christ!

Sing unto the LORD, bless his name; shew forth his salvation from day to day.”   – Psalm 96:2

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