Why Do Babies Cry?

1 Peter 2:2 “As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby:”

I remember when my granddaughter was born. Such a beautiful baby who was, in my mind, like an angel sent to earth from heaven… until she was hungry! Boy, could she cry! There never was a doubt as to what she wanted, and her wails would become louder and more insistence the longer she had to wait for her feeding! Not even a pacifier would keep her content for very long if she was truly hungry. After a few sucks, she would furrow her tiny brow, spit the pacifier out, open her mouth and emit a howl of protest. It was only after being fed that she would quiet down in my arms. Finally full, she would be completely content.

Peter tells us in his epistle that we should be like newborn babies desiring the sincere (genuine, true) milk of God’s Word. Do I demand to be fed with God’s Word on a daily basis? And when I don’t get it, does my soul cry out for spiritual nourishment as a baby does when it’s hungry? If it doesn’t, I must ask myself, “Why not?”

Have I been pacifying my soul’s need for spiritual nourishment with things of the world? Instead of finding Bible verses to meditate upon or devotions to study, have I filled my soul with worldly things like secular music, television shows or books, or technological devices to try and ease the pangs of spiritual hunger?

In order to grow spiritually, I must be fed from the Word of God. If I neglect to give my soul what it craves, I will not mature in my Christian walk. Whether through personal devotion time, attending Church services, listening to godly music… all must be predicated upon a strong Biblical foundation. When I satisfy my soul’s longing with these types of activities, the unrest within me calms, and my hunger for the things of God will be satiated. If I read the Bible, the “sincere milk of the word” and pray every day, I will “grow-grow-grow”!

And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding.” – Jeremiah 3:15


I’d love for you to share with me what has God shown you through His Word lately.

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