More Than Meets the Eye

1 Thessalonians 5:16 “Rejoice evermore.”

It’s so easy for me to read verses like this one and keep on going. After all, there doesn’t seem to b a whole lot to glean from these two little words, and it certainly doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand their meaning. “Rejoice evermore.” Simple. At least, that’s what I thought. And then my mind’s eye imagined God simply shaking His head at me with the smallest hint of a smile as He prepared to open my eyes to a deeper and richer understanding of His Word once again.

May my prayer always be, “Shew me thy ways, O LORD; teach me thy paths” (Psalm 25:4).

The word “rejoice” means to feel or show great joy or delight, while the word “evermore” means forever, eternally, for all time. So the verse tells me that I should be exceedingly joyful always. Hmm… how do I do that? One thing I have discovered in my devotional studies is that the Bible always explains itself. Nothing is left to my speculations! As I continued to read, I found the recipe for rejoicing evermore!

  1. Pray without ceasing (v. 17) – There are times when I am worried, angry, sad, fearful… This list can go on, and it is a list that does not support rejoicing. However, when I bring these concerns to my Father in heaven, He promises to handle them all. When I remember that I have Someone who can take all my cares upon Himself and guide me to brighter outcomes, I find myself able to rejoice!
  2. In everything, give thanks (v. 18) – This verse doesn’t tell me that I am to give thanks for everything, but in everything! There is a big difference in those two prepositions. Many years ago, when I was told that I had cancer, I did not give thanks for the diagnosis, but I did give thanks in the understanding that I did not walk the path of this trial alone. Jesus was with me every step of the way. He accompanied me to every doctor’s visit and every surgery. He held me in His arms during every radiation and chemotherapy session. My spirit was able to rejoice in the knowledge that God was always with me!
  3. Quench not the Spirit (v. 19) – God’s Holy Spirit dwells within me and influences me continually (Titus 3:5). His has given me certain abilities with which I can use to serve Him. When I heed the Spirit’s prompting and act accordingly, I am blessed beyond measure. That certainly is a reason to rejoice!
  4. Despise not prophesyings (v. 20) – The Bible is full of prophesies, some of which have been fulfilled, and others still awaiting their time. When I understand God’s fulfillment of prophecy-past guarantees his fulfillment of prophesy-future, which includes Jesus coming back for me, I rejoice!
  5. Prove all things, hold fast that which is good (v. 21) – The Bible is our guidebook for those things which are godly, righteous, and good in the sight of God. We have all that we need with which to determine right from wrong. We do not need to rely on our own definition of truth, for it is flawed. Instead, we have God’s truth in our hands, which is without error. That is worth rejoicing over!
  6. Abstain from all appearance of evil (v. 22) – Notice this verse tells me to abstain from all appearance of evil. I am not only to abstain from doing evil, but I must refrain from having the appearance of evil in my life. Big difference. My life must reflect a godly lifestyle in appearance as well as actuality; it should mirror the goodness and righteousness of Jesus and His teachings in Scripture.When I choose to follow God’s ways, I am encouraged, enlightened, and blessed beyond measure! How can I not rejoice over this?

I have learned that when I follow in Jesus’ footsteps, I can face even the most difficult of times. The joy of the Lord truly is my strength (Nehemiah 8:10). However, rejoicing in all things does not come easy to me. I am still a work in progress, but I have found that when I do remember the importance of rejoicing in the Lord, I am content and at peace because God has “sanctified me wholly,” and continues to work all things “together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28).

“Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice.” – Philippians 4:4


How has God enabled you to rejoice in difficult times?

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