What? Not Go to Church?

Matthew 18:20 “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”

Ever wonder why church is so vital? Couldn’t I just stay home and watch the service on live stream or television? Sure, I could do that, and it is a wonderful option when I cannot attend church, but when I do not actually go to church, I miss something really important. I miss the presence of Christ Himself in my “midst.”

I know Christians have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit at all times, but the presence of the Son of God comes to us when we bond with another believer and come together in His name! When we don’t meet solely for coffee and casual conversation, but we meet purposefully to worship Christ together, Jesus joins us! Think of it… Jesus who sits at the right hand of God comes to be in the midst of two or more believers! He is an active participant in our fellowship! How awesome is that? I need fellowship with other Christians because I need fellowship with Jesus up close and personal!!

Don’t get me wrong. I love my alone time with God. I love my devotional time when I delve into His Word and allow His Spirit to speak to my heart. I love my personal prayer time when I commune with the Lord, but equally important is my corporate worship of my Saviour. I need the people of God with me for encouragement, comfort, and support. These people can be as many as a full household of God or as few as one other person. I love having morning devotions with my husband; I love singing praises with the church choir; I love explaining the application of Bible verses to my granddaughters; I love gathering with the ladies from my church for fellowship. In these activities and more, Jesus is with us, in our midst!

Some people question the necessity of church nowadays, but I see its value increasing more and more as ungodliness becomes more rampant in our society via its politics, lifestyle, education, and morality. It is through assembling with others who are like-minded in the same faith in God and His Word and knowing that my Saviour meets with us as we gather together that impresses upon me the necessity of attending church as often as its doors are open.

I need my church; I need my brothers and sisters in Christ, and I need Jesus!

Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.”      – Hebrews 10:25


How has being a part of the family of God made a difference in your life?




One thought on “What? Not Go to Church?

  • March 12, 2019 at 8:19 pm

    Amen, Sister! This is an excellent devotional thought!
    Love you! And love to fellowship together in God’s house and worship our wonderful Lord and Saviour!


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