Worthy of Worship

Psalm 95:6 – “O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the LORD our maker.”

Today, I took a few moments and thought about God. Not about what He’s done for me, or what He can do for me, but I thought about who He actually is. I find I often “humanize” God, and forget that He is the Creator, holy, divine, perfect, all-knowing and all-powerful. He is the One who put the stars in the sky, set the planets in their orbits, and placed the sun and moon in the heavens. He established the laws of all the sciences.

God alone draws the rainbow across the sky, shimmering with the colors that He has created. He is the One who writes the songs of the birds. He knows the origin of the whispers of the wind. He knows what’s at the end of the universe, and He knows all the intricacies of the tiny little atom.

He is also always aware of my thoughts; He sees my actions, and He knows my heart.

So how do I worship Him? In addition to bringing my needs and concerns before God, my prayers often include thanking Him for saving my soul, praising Him for things He’s done for me, glorifying Him in song, and adoring Him for the love He has shown me. These are all wonderful things for which to pray, but if there ever there was a reason for me to worship God, it is simply because of who He is.

So today I am reflecting upon the magnitude of my God. I am worshiping Him because He is God. That’s it. The reality of who God is compels me to fall to my knees and worship Him. He is the Creator, who loved me (and you!) so much that He chose to redeem me (and you!) through the sacrificial death of His beloved Son, Jesus, and then, in the person of His Holy Spirit, God chooses to dwell within all those who accept His gift of salvation.

To me, it seems like that is more than enough to worship God. So I will.

“O Lord, my God, when I in awesome wonder
Consider all the worlds Thy Hands have made
I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder
Thy power throughout the universe displayed!”   (from “How Great Thou Art” by Carl Boberg)

Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised; and his greatness is unsearchable.” Psalm 145:3


For what will you worship God today?




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