Love Is a Decision

Proverbs 8:17 “I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me.”

Love is a decision. When I “fell in love” with my husband, each phone call from him thrilled me, and every time we were together my heart soared! But eventually the flutterings of romance faded, and the reality of sustaining a relationship emerged. Most of the time, loving him is very easy, but occasionally it’s a bit more difficult than I had anticipated. (I’m sure he experiences the same with me!) Sometimes I am disappointed; sometimes I get angry; sometimes I am hurt, but through it all, I continue to love him. Why? Because I made a decision to love him.

Loving God is the same way. It is a decision I made. Initially when I first met God, I fell “head-over-heels” in love with Him, but like my love for John, the giddiness of new love changed into a more deep and abiding love as time went on. The newness wore off, and there were times when my expectations of God were not met. I faced times of questioning, disappointment, even anger with Him. It might have been easier to walk away, but I didn’t. Why? Because I made a decision to love Him.

Nowhere in I Corinthians 13 does it tell us that love is easy. In fact, if you read the chapter, you might come to the conclusion that loving someone is actually quite challenging. To love someone means being longsuffering toward them (having patience), putting them first, enduring all things, and more. That’s quite a bit different than the impression we get from greeting cards, isn’t it? Loving someone takes work, commitment, and determination.

I’ve never really thought about applying the principles of 1 Corinthians 13 to my relationship with God, but they are just as relevant to my love for God as they are to the love I have for my husband. So I wonder… am I patient with Him as I wait for Him to answer my prayers (v.4)? Am I humble before Him as I approach Him (v.4)? Do I act in a way that pleases and honors Him (v.5)? Do I rejoice in the truths that He shows me in His Word (v.6)? Does my love for God bear all things, even the hard things (v.7)? Do I believe all the things that He has promised (v.7)? Do I endure all things, knowing He will meet my every need (v.7)? When life gets rough, do I pull away from God, or do I have hope in Him and run toward Him (v.7)?

Sometimes things happen in my relationship with God that are unexpected, and some of those things I may not understand or even like. But those things don’t change the fact that I love Him.  Loving God is a decision I made a long time ago. He made a decision to love me too. In spite of my sin, my failures, my humanity, on an old rugged cross, God made His decision to love me.

Oh, what love!

The LORD hath appeared of old unto me, saying, Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee.” Jeremiah 31:3


How has the knowledge that God made a decision to love you changed your life?




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