Calm Seas

Psalm 107:29 “He maketh the storm a calm, so that the waves thereof are still.”

Calm seas. I suppose that is every sailor’s dream. No one really wants to sail through a storm. This morning, as we sailed into the Mediterranean Sea, the seas were amazingly calm; it was like looking at a lake! Not a single whitecap could be seen in any direction. If there had been a dolphin or whale nearby, it would have easily been spotted! We have been blessed with incredible weather and seas on this trip. Even our Atlantic crossing was uneventful in terms of sea conditions. No storms, no huge waves. It has been a very peaceful journey.

Reminds me of life. We all relish days that are like calm seas. No worries or cares to invade our lives. No problems on the horizon. Smooth sailing ahead! But it’s not always like that. In fact, it is inevitable that storms will arise in our lives. We don’t know when they will come or how long they will last, but they will come. The good news is that no storm lasts forever. Tempests at sea eventually die down, and calm seas return. The task is to keep an even keel while navigating through the storms, employing the skills we have learned to safely sail through them until the skies become clear, and the seas settle down once more.

Just as a sailor keeps constant contact with his captain, we must maintain close communion with our Captain in order to maintain a godly heading in life. The Lord will never lead us astray. Reading His Word and praying to Him will help us safely sail through the troubled waters of life. It is an undeniable fact that storms will come. Some will be frightening; some will be painful; some will seem hopeless, but through each one, God has promised to be with us, guiding us, helping us, and delivering us safely through them.

It is true that even with the knowledge that God is in control, it is still difficult to undergo the trials and tribulations of life. We must strive to have the proper perspective. In our own frailties, the storms we face may seem insurmountable, but when we focus on God’s power as our source of strength, we can know that no matter what storms lie ahead, we have the assurance that we will weather each one successfully if we stay the course. God is manning the helm, and He is aware of all the unseen obstacles ahead. He knows exactly how to navigate through them. If we remain at His side and trust in Him, we will soon emerge from the raging tempest into blue skies and tranquil seas!

“And He arose, and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.” Mark 4:39


Can you remember a time in your life when God calmed your storm? Praise Him for that today!

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