The Empty Shell

Psalm 107:9 “For He satisfieth the longing soul, and filleth the hungry soul with goodness.

Have you ever cracked open a peanut shell and found no nut? That is so disappointing! When I crack open the shell, I expect to find something in it, and when I don’t, I feel like I’ve somehow been cheated of a tasty treat. Sadly, these nutless shells have the form of a peanut, but not the substance that nourishes or satisfies.

The empty peanut shell reminds me of some of the churches we’ve visited on our trip. So many of them are amazing to behold. They have beautiful stained glass windows, altars of gold gleaming in the shafts of light that penetrate the darkness of the building. They have massive wooden doors intricately engraved and paintings that are breathtaking to behold, but something is missing. Our tour guide told us that many of the churches are no longer providing worship services. Instead, they have become tourist attractions. Quite lovely on the outside, but empty on the inside. The presence of God is missing.

There are, however, plenty of artifacts that exalt man. The garments of the priests are on full display, as are the different items used in services. Massive works of art are spread throughout the cathedrals. Gold and silver candlesticks stand on various ornate tables, but I never saw a Bible or a hymn book in any of them! In fact, on a couple of Sundays when we had excursions, we were invited to go into a cathedral to “quietly look around” since there were services being conducted. Upon entering, it was very quiet and others were milling around “quietly looking.” I can’t imagine a group of fifty to one hundred people walking into my church on a Sunday morning when my pastor was preaching just to “quietly look around.” Some of these places even required tickets to be purchased in order to go inside the church!

I write this to say how grateful I am that the Lord has put me in a church that is not missing the substance inside! Whenever I go to church, I am blessed beyond measure. There is sound Biblical doctrine being taught and preached. There is genuine Christian fellowship demonstrated by a familial love between the people gathered there. There are songs of praise being sung to the Lord Jesus Christ. There is nourishment and satisfaction for my soul.

If you ever drop by my church, I invite you not to come in and “quietly look around,” but rather, I invite you to come in and sit with us! Open a hymn book and join us in worshipful singing. Listen as my pastor shares the saving grace of Jesus through the Scriptures and be nourished with God’s Word. I promise you that when you leave, your soul will have received a divine feast that will satisfy its spiritual hunger!

I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord.” Psalm 122:1


“Feed me ‘til I want no more…”

One thought on “The Empty Shell

  • June 7, 2019 at 2:54 pm

    Ahh, the Presence of Almighty God is such a blessing!
    We are looking forward to you and John returning to worship with us again! We miss you!


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