To Trust or Not to Trust… That is the Question!

But I trusted in thee, O LORD: I said, Thou art my God.” Psalm 31:14

Trusting is a lot like loving. It’s a choice that one makes; it is granted. Your trust in someone may be based on particular actions; they may even develop over a period of time, but in the end, you choose whether or not you will trust someone.

According to the dictionary, trust is defined as a firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something. Synonyms for trust are confidence, belief, faith, freedom from suspicion/doubt, sureness, certainty, certitude, assurance, conviction, credence, and reliance. What it doesn’t say is that trusting is a lot like loving. It’s a decision that has to be consciously made. You either decide to trust someone or you don’t. It’s that simple. Like love, trust is not here today and gone tomorrow. It is not based on a feeling; it is based on facts. Feelings fade away; facts remain. We can be disappointed in love, and we can be disappointed in trust, but the fact is that trusting someone is definitely a decision that one makes.

I have chosen to trust God. It is a recent decision of mine. I actually thought I trusted God, but His Spirit opened my eyes to the truth that I was really trusting in myself when I should have been trusting God. (Ouch! That was a painful realization for me, but one that was critical for my spiritual growth.) Once I made the conscious decision to trust God, my life changed dramatically! Not outwardly, but inwardly. Do you desire that “peace that passes all understanding” (Philippians 4:7)? It comes from trusting God. How about inner “contentment” (Philippians 4:11)? That comes from trusting Him as well.

It was easy for me to trust God in matters I couldn’t control, but if I had any ability to exercise my fleshly reins upon a situation, I grabbed hold and tried to maneuver and manipulate the circumstances to achieve my personal goals. What did I get? Sometimes I got that for which I hoped, but more often than not I got worry, frustration, anger, and even more turmoil! When I decided to trust God… really trust Him, I finally found the peace of God that the Bible speaks of so often.

I chose to trust God because He has proved Himself over and over in His Word, and He has proved Himself over and over to me personally! Ashamedly, I just haven’t been giving the credit to Him. Not only did I need to work on my trust issues, I had to seek forgiveness for my pride as well.

I still have difficulties, situations that I want to control, and circumstances that are challenging to life in general, but with the decision to trust God, I can rest in Him. I know that sounds almost like a cliché, but I can only speak of what I personally know, and I know this. When I feel frustrations mounting, I realize I am trying to do things in myself. At that moment, I am reminding by the Holy Spirit to trust God, and the feelings of discontent that rise in the pit of stomach disappear. Every time!

Proverbs 3:5, one of the most famous Bible verses about trust, says “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.” That’s my decision, and it’s the best one I’ve made in a long time. The first time I chose to trust God was in 1968, when I accepted God’s gift of salvation. I trusted Him then for that, and I wish I had trusted Him then for everything else. However, I remember I am a work in progress (Philippians 1:6), and I know God had His hand on me regardless of how I felt toward Him in regards to trust since the day I accepted His Son as my Saviour. He’s been with me ever since, and when I really think about it, when has God failed me? Never.

Why wouldn’t I trust Him?

          In life’s dark and bitter hour, love will still prevail,

          Trust His everlasting pow’r, Jesus never fails.

          Jesus never fails, Jesus never fails

         Heav’n and earth may pass away, but Jesus never fails.   (from “Jesus Never Fails” by Arthur Luther)


I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.” Psalm 91:2


Got health problems? Trust God.

Need a job? Trust God.

Short on funds? Trust God.

Family problems? Trust God.

Worried about America? Trust God.


“What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee.” Psalm 56:3











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