“You Want Me to Hand You an Awl? What’s That?

And David said to Solomon his son, Be strong and of good courage, and do it: fear not, nor be dismayed: for the LORD God, even my God, will be with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee, until thou hast finished all the work for the service of the house of the LORD.” 1 Chronicles 28:20

Before he retired, my husband worked as a general contractor. He was a great builder, and often he would work on some remodeling projects at our house. Sometimes, he would ask me to help him. The first time, as a new bride, I was excited to help until I realized I knew absolutely nothing of what he was doing. I remember once I had the very simple task of holding some kind of metal piece, and since I didn’t ask for any guidance from my husband, I promptly sliced my thumb open! On other occasions, he might ask for a certain tool, and I would be clueless! I became apprehensive about helping him, and when I did, I was a reluctant worker.

Nevertheless, he wanted me by his side on most occasions. Maybe it was more for my company than assistance, but whenever he needed me to do a task, he was always careful to explain it, and then help me if I needed it. In the beginning of our life together, I was not a very good carpenter’s aide, but as the years progressed, I realized he was there to help me, so I asked more questions, followed his instructions, and became a better worker. It’s been years since my first “job” with him, and I can say that since then I have learned to listen and follow his instructions, “No more sliced thumbs!”

As I reminisced, I realized I have had the same feelings about my work for God. Sometimes God has called me to do something that I feared I was inadequate to do. Here are a few areas from which I shunned away: visitation (What do I say when they open the door?), leading a ladies’ group (What if I present the lesson incorrectly?), start a blog (What if I have nothing of interest to write?)… This list could go on and on. Do you see the commonality in these areas? It’s “I.” All my issues focused on me! I was afraid of failure, inadequacy, embarrassment… again, the list goes on and on! I forgot something very important. The Bible tells me that I should do all things as unto the Lord not unto me!

When I helped my husband, I didn’t work for me. I worked for him, and he never put me in situations where I would be in harm’s way. No sawing wood with the Skillsaw; no walking on thin boards on a rooftop. He put me in teachable situations from which I could learn, and that he knew I could handle. He always made sure I was prepared for whatever task he had for me, and he was always nearby, watching me and helping me whenever I required it.

God is exactly the same! He never puts me in situations that would be detrimental to my well-being, and in every circumstance, He prepares me for the task at hand. Whatever skills or talents I need to accomplish His goals, He gives me, and His Holy Spirit leads me to exactly what I should do or say! Instead of focusing on how my feelings of inadequacy might affect me, I need to focus on how my lack of service would affect the cause of Christ!! I must remember that He will never leave me in any situation, and He is always ready to come to my aid if I should need it.

My verse reminds me that God will never forsake me, fail me, nor leave me. He is with me every step of the way, fully equipping me and helping me until my work for Him is completed. When will that be? I don’t know. I just know that I need to be busy for God today because one day soon, the trumpet will sound, He will call me home, and my work for Him will be finished. That day may be today! Not much time left to do my work, so I better get going!

Work, for the day is coming! Children of light are we;
From Jesus’ bright appearing, pow’rs of darkness flee.
Soon will our strife be ending, soon all our toils below,
Not to the dark we’re tending, but to day we go.

 (from “Work, For The Night is Coming” by Annie Coghill)

Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.” 1 Corinthians 15:58


Jesus said, “I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.” (John 9:4)

May that be our hearts cry as well.

One thought on ““You Want Me to Hand You an Awl? What’s That?

  • September 20, 2019 at 11:54 pm

    So many good thoughts in this lesson! Thank you for sharing your insights.
    I always look forward to your Bible lessons at Ladies Fellowship, and your thoughts in this blog, although I don’t always comment. May the Lord bless you as you use your talents to teach and to write (and to cook!)


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