Just Passing Through

If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world…” John 15:19

Yesterday, my stove blew up, not literally, but something popped, and it stopped working. Having a stove quit on Christmas Day is not the best timing because most restaurants are closed in order for their employees to celebrate the holiday with their families. We did fine through the day, but when it came time for dinner, we wanted something more than a sandwich. After some research, we discovered that one of our favorite Japanese restaurants was open for dinner, so off we went.

The restaurant was extremely crowded with a full waiting area when we arrived, but there happened to be seating for two available, and that was offered to us immediately (Thank You, Lord!) As I perused the menu, I was bombarded by loud boisterous laughter coming from two men sitting next to us. They were truck drivers, just passing through the town, and like us, they had found the only open eatery in the area. At first, I thought they had had a bit too much to drink, but I soon realized they were just having a good time kidding each other as they tried to figure out the menu.

They were very friendly, and we chatted a bit before our meals arrived. One was headed to Alabama, while the other one was on his way to Texas. They had a hard time understanding the waiter, so I explained the meals to the men as they lightheartedly contemplated eating their dinner with a pair of chopsticks. Their rowdy eruptions of pseudo-complaints and laughter soon had us chuckling alongside them. They were just two strangers passing through the town, making the best of their situation on Christmas night, and their cheerful banter was unexpected, but welcome.

The Bible tells me that I am an ambassador for Christ (2 Corinthians 5:20), a stranger in this world (Psalm 119:19). Like these two truck drivers, I am just passing through, and sometimes I encounter situations that are less than ideal. I wonder if my behaviors during these unexpected moments are as pleasant as those of these two gentlemen that we met. Do I laugh off the parts that annoy me and see the bright side, or do I face each circumstance with a grumble and a bad attitude?

My interaction with the truck drivers was brief, but it was made me think about the impact my life may have upon others. When I encounter others, what do they see? No matter where I go, whether it is a restaurant, a friend’s home, church, the grocery store… I represent the Lord Jesus Christ. I interact with people from all walks of life, and most of the times, these interactions are brief. Sometimes the circumstances are good, sometimes not so good, but how I react to them is the key. To shine for Jesus, I must face them with a positive outlook. My countenance must not be downcast, but instead it must be lifted up, hopeful, and yes, merry, no matter what! I hope to leave people enjoying our short time together and seeing in me a true reflection of the Saviour I love.

As Christians, we are in the world, but not of the world. We represent the Son of God as we “travel this sod,” and we must present Jesus in the best way possible to a world that desperately needs Him. We only have one chance to make a good first impression. Let’s do a good job no matter what comes our way. Let’s reflect our Lord in a positive light because we truly may be the only Jesus some will ever see!

If not in you, I wonder where will they ever see the One who really cares?
If not from you, how will they find
There’s One who heals the broken heart, and gives sight to the blind?
You’re the only Jesus that some will ever see
And you’re the only words of life, some will ever read
So let them see in you the One in whom is all they’ll ever need
‘Cause you’re the only Jesus, some will ever see

(from “You’re the Only Jesus Some Will Ever See” by Gordon Jensen)

They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.” John 17:16


When others look at you, whom do they see?



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