
This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.” Joshua 1:8

Many people who profess to be Christians really know little of God except what they have heard in a church service or a Sunday school class. They rely on the words and thoughts of others to know and understand God. I know. I’ve been there.

Don’t get me wrong. Church and Sunday school are vital in growing as a Christian, but they are not all-inclusive. If these are my only sources of “getting to know God,” I am severely limiting the relationship I am to have with Him. Think of it this way. It would be like having a friend tell me about a letter her grandmother had written, and then me believing that I had a close relationship with that grandparent because I had listened to my friend explain what was in that letter. It would give me a vague idea about my friend’s grandmother, but it would be impossible for me to have any sort of a relationship with her. The only way I could have a relationship with my friend’s grandmother would be to visit her, have conversations with her, spend time with her… often.

This is the exactly the same thing I need to do to cultivate a deep personal relationship with God. Once I’ve accepted Jesus as my Saviour, I must visit Him often through the reading of the Bible, His Word. I must have conversations with Him. I must speak to Him through prayer; He will speak to me through Scripture.

Start with one verse a day. It doesn’t take much time, but you could write that verse on a 3×5 card and put it someplace where you will see it throughout the day. Maybe a bathroom mirror or kitchen cabinet. Maybe in your purse or pocket. After you read it, think about it, and let the Holy Spirit of God speak to your heart. You might want to jot down a few thoughts on the back of the card, then at the end of the day, put that card in a box. If you read one verse each day, by this time next year, you would have read 366 verses (2020 is a leap year!), more if you read 2-3 verses every now and then! Think how much more intimate your relationship with God will become!

You can pick and choose the verses you want to read; there is no special way to get into God’s Word. Just make it doable for you, and then do it! I promise it will change your life.

More about Jesus in His Word,
Holding communion with my Lord;
Hearing his voice in ev’ry line,
Making each faithful saying mine.

More, more about Jesus,
More, more about Jesus;
More of His saving fullness see,
More of His love who died for me.

(from “More About Jesus” by E.E. Hewitt)

Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you.” James 4:8


Resolve to get to know God better today!

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