What Are You Doing Today?

And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.” Revelation 22:12

Lately, I’ve heard a lot about the corona virus. I’ve read about the rapid spread of the disease, and how people are in a frenzy trying to buy everything they might need to prepare for its onslaught here in America. Stores are running out of face masks, toilet paper, hand sanitizer, and anything else deemed necessary for survival. There’s a worldwide movement to be prepared because it’s coming… we just don’t know when!

Too bad there isn’t that same type of passion to get ready for the coming of Jesus. We all know it’s going to happen, and by the looks of things, His coming may be very soon, but I haven’t seen a lot of people getting ready for that, certainly not at the magnitude in which they are preparing for the corona virus. Imagine if we knew for a fact that Jesus was coming tomorrow. What would we be doing today?

I know what I would be doing. I would be telling everyone I knew that Jesus was coming! I would be praying that my lost friends and family would be open to the gospel! I would be begging God to open their eyes to the truth of who Jesus is and why they need Him. I would be praying for their salvation! I would be doing so much more than I am doing right now. Wouldn’t you?

Mommy, won’t you come and hear what I learned in church today?
They told me about a man who could wash my sins away!
She said something ‘bout the healing of a man who had been blind,
I smiled and told her sweetly that I did not have the time.

Mommy, won’t you come with me to Sunday school this week?
They said there’d be a missionary coming there to speak.
She looked at me again and asked if I would like to go
But I had dirty clothes to wash and so I told her no.

I wish I took the time to hear the things she had to say
I wish that I had knelt with her at night to hear her pray
She tried so hard to tell me of the love that God had shown
I know I would have listened if I had only known.

Mommy, did you know that Jesus said He’d come again
To take us all o heaven where we’ll be with Him,
And then she ran off singing something about the glory land
I watcher her go then shook my head ‘cause I did not understand.

One day while we were walking in the park, her hand in mine,
She shouted as she pointed to the sky
Mommy, see the angels there! I tried, but couldn’t see,
I looked at her, then she was gone… in the twinkling of an eye

I wish I took the time to hear the things she had to say
I wish that I had knelt with her at night to hear her pray
She tried so hard to tell me but I never took the time
And now my little girl is gone, and I’ve been left behind.

(from “Mommy, Did You Know” by J. Lawson)

In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.” 1 Corinthians 15:52


I wonder what I’m going to do today…




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