A New Journey For Me

God is my strength and power: and he maketh my way perfect.” – 2 Samuel 22:33

I have noticed some serious changes in me during this quarantine. One that is particularly distressing is that I have become even more sedentary than before this virus, and unfortunately I have regained some weight, lost muscle strength, and found that fatigue is a constant “friend.” I’d like to blame it on my age, or the virus, or the fact that the gyms are still closed, but the bottom line is that I have chosen to partake in an unhealthy lifestyle.

I’ve had lots of ups and downs when it comes to dieting and weight loss. One thing I have realized is that I have a tendency to do things the same way (the easy way), but I expect different results. That doesn’t work. To get different results, I must do different things. I am not referring just to a particular program because the fact is that weight loss is mathematically simple. Output must be more than input to lose weight. Unfortunately, being mathematically simple does not make it physically, mentally, or emotionally easy to accomplish that because there is so much more to being healthy than being attentive to what one eats or doesn’t eat.

There is a very famous poem entitled, “Footprints in the Sand” by Mary Fishback Powers. It speaks of the footprints made in the sand when walking with God along the beach. Sometimes there are two sets of prints, and at other times, there is only one set of footprints. The one set initially seems to indicate God has left the person alone, but as you read on, it is revealed that those times are actually when God is carrying the person through the most difficult times of their life.

Like many others, I have had some serious troubles in life, and God has carried me through them all. Cancer, financial struggles, family issues… He has always been faithful to see me through each situation; He has never abandoned me. Even in this newest journey on which I am embarking, I know He will be with me because He said He would never leave me. When I falter (and I will), He will be faithful to carry me. When I am overwhelmed (and I will be), He will encourage me through His Word. When I can’t go on (and I will feel like it), He will give me His strength, and when I want to quit (and I will want to), His Spirit will whisper in my ear, “You can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth you.” (Philippians 4:13)

I cannot say that I am not scared of the challenges ahead of me, for I have started this journey many times in the past, and I have never been successful. Today, I begin this health journey with the acute awareness that God walks with me. I know when I stumble, He will lift me up as He has always done, and when I am too tired to go on, He will carry me. When fears come, I will remember that I am not alone. “Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.” (Isaiah 41:10)

In myself I failed the Lord, then was afraid to try once more
That fire in my soul had fled, that’s when Jesus came and said
My spirit, gives the strength you need, to raise you up and to succeed
And for vision in the night, to you I’ll give these words of light

He said my child don’t look behind, discouragement is all you’ll find
Don’t watch the waves that roll the sea, just focus your eyes on me
And I will make you strong and then your shattered courage I will mend
And if you fall and should get hurt, remember these eternal words

Fear not my child, I’m with you always
I feel every pain and every tear I see
Fear not my child, I’m with you always
I know how to care for what belongs to me

(from “Fear Not, My Child” by Carman D. Licciardello)

Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh: is there any thing too hard for me?” – Jeremiah 32:27


If you have a certain journey you must walk, invite God to come along with you. You’ll be so glad you did!




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