Natural Bridges National Monument

For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:”- Romans 1:20

Natural Bridges National Monument lies in the southeast part of Utah, and has three natural bridges that have been formed by water erosion. It has a one-way loop road with overlooks to see the bridges and trails for the avid hiker who wants to see the bridges up close. (Guess who stayed in the overlooks and who hiked the trails!)

Kachina Bridge

Sipapu Bridge

Each bridge had its own personality. John really enjoyed his hike to Owachomo, the third bridge. From the overlook, the bridge seemed camouflaged with the surrounding area, but from John’s perspective down below, he could clearly see the bridge. He was able to walk right up under the bridge! He said the view from underneath the bridge was amazing, and his pictures didn’t really convey the enormity and beauty of the bridge.

Owachomo Bridge

The photo above was my view. Can you see John on the trail on the right side? He’s coming up from the bridge. His view from down below is the next photo.

Owachomo Bridge

Here’s a beautiful view of the Owachomo Bridge at night.

While the visit here was a short one, it was definitely worth the time we spent seeing these bridges. The drive was very relaxing, and the views were spectacular!

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