“I Go A-Fishing”


Simon Peter saith unto them, I go a fishing. They say unto him, We also go with thee. They went forth, and entered into a ship immediately; and that night they caught nothing.” John 21:3

My daughter’s family is currently vacationing on the Gulf Coast in Mississippi. They are staying in a house near the ocean and have enjoyed the various activities that beach life affords. One of the fun things they have discovered is surf fishing. Bree, my youngest granddaughter was the first to catch a fish, and she was thrilled! Now, the fishing fever caught on! Everyone found their spot on the sand and cast their lines into the sea. Nearly everyone caught fish except my oldest granddaughter, Ryanna. She was unable to successfully reel in one fish. She did manage to hook “the one that got away,” but it slipped off the hook and escaped back into the surf. In spite of losing this fish, she did not give up. She continued fishing until nightfall, and although unsuccessful still, she planned to return the next day to continue her quest for fish. (I’m sure if her mother would have allowed it, she would have fished throughout the night trying to catch just one!)

This reminded me of our work for Christ. In Matthew 4:19, Jesus is talking to his potential followers, Peter and Andrew, and He tells them that instead of fishing in the Sea of Galilee for tilapia, they will be fishing for the souls of men if they choose to follow Him. The Bible records “And they straightway left their nets, and followed him” (Matthew 4:20).

Often we get “on fire” for Jesus when we first get saved or right after a revival, and we can’t wait to tell others about the Lord. Sadly, for many of us the enthusiasm of winning souls seems to wane after time. It’s so easy to jump on the bandwagon when everyone is experiencing success, as my family fishers did after that first catch. Seeing a wriggling fish on one’s hook is a great motivator to keep on going, but sometimes the fish are not biting. Sometimes it takes a long time to reap the reward of one fish… or one soul.

Do we have the drive to continue fishing when we don’t even get a nibble on our hook? When those with whom we share the gospel are resistant, do we pack up our tackle box and move on? We must have the spirit of the fisherman who doesn’t quit. We must continue to stand on the shore, casting our line into the surf again and again. We are called to share the gospel with those around us, and we must trust God to fill our nets with fish (Luke 5:6).

I love to tell the story, ’tis pleasant to repeat,
What seems each time I tell it more wonderfully sweet;
I love to tell the story, for some have never heard
The message of salvation from God’s own holy Word.

(from “I Love to Tell the Story” by Arabella K. Hankey)


We don’t have much time left before the trump of God will sound, and we will meet Jesus in the clouds. Why not cast your line today and do a little fishing for Christ?



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