Not Yet!

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:” Ecclesiastes 3:1

I recently celebrated a birthday, and I am now well into my sixth decade of life. My life continues to be rich with blessings, and I am enjoying the freedom that retirement affords, however there has been a definite change in my life. I have more opportunities to sit back and smell the roses. I have more time to myself for the things I used to long for, like writing and traveling, and although I do tire more easily than in my younger years, I find I have more free time for those afternoon naps! Yes, things have definitely changed for me!

Sometimes I wonder if I have “finished my course.” After all, I am getting precariously close to the “threescore and ten” mentioned in Psalm 90:10. I am no longer in the active work force, and my children are grown with families of their own. Hmm… is my “season” and “purpose under heaven” finally fulfilled?

As I pondered the question of my purpose in this stage of my life, I realized something that really impacted my way of thinking. God isn’t finished with me yet! I am still in the race!! How do I know this? God’s Word says so! Philippians 1:6 says, “Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:” God’s work continues in me until Jesus calls me home or comes to take me there. If my work on this earth was finished, God would take me to my heavenly home because there would be absolutely no reason for me to remain here. If I have nothing more to do to serve Him, it would truly be time for me to enter my eternal rest. Wow! That means that I still have a job to do! I am not in retirement from God’s work! God’s plan for my life has not yet reached its end because I’m still here!

Time for me to get busy and go see what He has for me to do today!

The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way.” Psalm 37:23


What have you done for the Lord lately?


One thought on “Not Yet!

  • August 27, 2019 at 11:46 pm

    Love this, Jayne! Look at that precious picture!


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