How Could It Be?

And knew her not till she had brought forth her firstborn son: and he called his name JESUS.” Matthew 1:25

Christmas. This is such a wonderful time of year. Many of us look to the Scriptures for the true meaning of the holiday, and there we can read two separate accounts of the birth of Jesus in the books of Matthew and Luke. Take a moment and think about the people that were involved in that first Christmas. Today, amid all the decorations and yuletide celebrations, church services and Christmas caroling, of whom do you think when Christmas is mentioned? First and foremost, we usually think of Jesus, followed by his mother, Mary. Others might mention the wise men, the shepherds, or even the angels.

Interestingly, very few people first think of Joseph, the husband of Mary. In fact, if he were the piece missing from your nativity set, it probably wouldn’t bother you nearly as much as if you’d lost one of the wise men or shepherds. But Joseph was more than just Mary’s husband. He was chosen by God to fulfill one of the most important roles in the coming of Jesus.

When Joseph and Mary became betrothed, there was a ceremony that was more legally binding than the actual marriage ceremony. During the betrothal, Joseph promised to love and care for Mary, and she promised to keep herself only for her husband, yielding her life to him. The betrothal was a year-long period of time with a legal contract that considered the couple to be married. The only way the betrothal could be dissolved would be if Joseph chose to legally divorce Mary. Additionally, during this time period, while Joseph and Mary prepared for their upcoming nuptials, they did not live together, nor did they have any physical intimacy.

It was during this betrothal time that Joseph found out that Mary was expecting a child. He knew that he was not the biological father for he had adhered to Jewish law and had not yet had a physical relationship with her. Heartbroken, he considered the circumstances in which he found himself. He knew he had every legal right to divorce Mary for infidelity. How great the anguish that must have gripped his soul when faced with this betrayal by the one he adored. His beloved Mary was carrying a child that he knew was not his own. The Bible tell us that he wrestled with what to do in Matthew 1:19-20.

It was then that the Lord sent an angel to Joseph in a dream. Here the angel explained everything that had happened to Mary was part of God’s plan to send a Saviour, and that the child Mary was carrying was the Son of God. When Joseph awoke, he had a choice to make. Believe God and take Mary to be his wife, or reject God and divorce her. Without hesitation, Joseph chose to trust the Lord and bare the awesome responsibility of caring for the Son of God and his mother, Mary.

Think about what this meant. Although Joseph had every legal right to be physically intimate with Mary, Joseph purposed in his heart to trust and obey the Lord. While he vowed to love, care for, and protect Mary and the baby, he also promised he would not consummate their marriage until after the birth of God’s Son. His faithful determination to withhold his physical affections from Mary until Jesus was born leaves no doubt as to the paternity of Jesus and speaks volumes of the heart of Joseph.

This Christmas, remember to thank the Lord for the young carpenter who loved Mary and Jesus with all of his heart, but most of all for the faithful man who chose to trust God without question in the most incredible story of love known to man.

How could it be this baby in my arms, sleeping now, so peacefully
The Son of God, the angel said, How could it be?
Lord, I know He’s not my own, Not of my flesh, not of my bone
Still Father let this baby be the son of my love

Father show me where I fit into this plan of yours
How can a man be father to the Son of God
Lord for all my life I’ve been a simple carpenter
How can I raise a king, how can I raise a king?

The Son of God, the angel said, How could it be? How could it be?

(from “Joseph’s Song” by Michael Card)

Then Joseph being raised from sleep did as the angel of the Lord had bidden him, and took unto him his wife.” Matthew 1:24


You don’t have to be in the spotlight for God to use you. You just need to have a willing heart that trusts the Lord. Merry Christmas!

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