Special Glasses

Isaiah 9:2 “The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light: they that dwell in the land of the shadow of death, upon them hath the light shined.”

In 2017, parts of the eastern US was affected by a total solar eclipse. It was pretty exciting for my family. We bought the special glasses, and my son-in-law even made special boxes for viewing the event. While we were not in the direct path of the total eclipse, we were in the penumbral section, which meant we would see a partial solar eclipse. In our area, it was reported that 99.2% of the sun would be obscured by the moon, so only a mere sliver of sunlight would remain visible to us. We had such high hopes to be in near darkness, but that never happened for us! That tiny sliver of sunlight was enough to eliminate our immersion into total darkness. While the daylight dimmed somewhat, and we saw an increase in shadows, less than one percent of sunlight prevented the darkness from enveloping us.

Like the shadows of an eclipse, sin continues to spread across the globe. Sins that the Bible tells us are an abomination to the Lord are widely accepted as the norm today, and I find that since I am not actively involved in the battle against these particular sins; my resistance against them is often passive. Why? I have forgotten that I still am in the penumbra of sin’s evil shadows! The subtle influences of wickedness dim the narrow path upon which God has directed me to walk, and before I realize it, the darkness threatens to engulf me, and it becomes difficult to see where I’m going! I cannot make out the hazards that lie ahead! I am in danger!

Then I see it! It’s just a pinpoint of light, but it illuminates enough for me to see the pitfalls of sin all around me! Then I notice that the Light shines brighter on my path when I read the Bible. It becomes more brilliant when I attend Sunday school and worship services at church! And when I seek God and His direction, the Light is absolutely radiant!

But what is the light? In today’s verse, Isaiah wrote about the shining of the great light. In verses 6 and 7 of the same chapter, he identified the Light: “And his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.”

The Light is the Son of God Himself! John 8:12 records, “Then spake Jesus again unto them saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.” The Light of my world is Jesus! It is the light of His glorious gospel that will triumph over sin and death! As I follow God’s light, I can easily see the perils of sin on my pathway through life, and I see how to take my stand against them.

Where I live, only a fraction of one percent of the sunlight was necessary to prevent total darkness. It’s the same for the God’s light; it doesn’t take much for illumination. If I allow the Son to shine through me, others will be able to see the dangers of sin as well as the hope of salvation through Christ. As more people come to Jesus, the light of His love will shine brighter for all the world to see!

No special glasses needed!

One thought on “Special Glasses

  • October 28, 2018 at 1:08 am

    He who has ears. let him hear; and eyes, let him see!


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