Peace in the Midst of Confusion

For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.” – 1 Corinthians 14:33

Have you ever been confused? I have. When I first moved to Georgia, I had the hardest time figuring out the street system. I could be driving along a particular street when suddenly its name changed! Did I make wrong turn…nope, I was still going the same direction… or was I? When I first turned on the street, the highway sign said I was going east, but now it said west, and I was pretty certain I hadn’t changed directions! Now, I understand why Georgians use landmarks in giving directions. For example, “Take a left at the old red barn with the big oak tree” is so much clearer for me to know where to turn!

Life can also be confusing, often when facing circumstances in which we do not know what to do. Sometimes our minds may recall the above verse, and then situations become even more difficult to discern because the implication is that the confusion comes from Satan, and we feel guilty for the turmoil in our heads. Confusion is not always from the devil. Are there times when it is from Satan? Absolutely, but that doesn’t mean that every time we’re confused, we are under a spiritual attack. Just ask any student taking an algebra test. Confusion between theorems and formulas are rampant, but it’s not from demonic influences!

As humans, our minds are prone to be filled with conflicting information, and it’s the job of the brain to sort these things out. Until then, we may feel a bit confused, and that’s okay, but when we become spiritually confused, we have a problem that needs to be addressed immediately. We need to realize that God is not responsible for spiritual confusion. That type of confusion has two sources: one is our own inability to understand, or two, Satan’s influence invades our thought processes and generates conflicting ideas. If you hear something in a Sunday school class, a worship service, or even a religious podcast or television broadcast that seems confusing, there are ways to deal with it.

First and foremost, you have the Word of God. Within its pages, there are always answers, but sometimes we need help in wither finding or understanding the passages or individual verses of Scripture. That is one reason, God has given us His Holy Spirit. One of His jobs is to help us understand God’s Word and apply it to our lives. Jesus said, “But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.” (John 14:26) Another thing you can do is talk with someone who know the Bible very well, and who has demonstrated a spiritual maturity in the Word of God. Usually, this would be the pastor of your church. He is there to help you understand the Bible. Both the pastor and associate pastor of my church have always taken the time to explain portions of Scripture to me when I don’t understand.

The key to getting rid of spiritual confusion is to ask for help, seek the answers in the Bible, and listen carefully with an open mind. If you sincerely seek the truth of God, it will most definitely be revealed to you through the work of the Holy Spirit (Matthew 7:7), and when confusion is removed, it is replaced by the sweet peace of God.

Far away in the depths of my spirit tonight
Rolls a melody sweeter than psalm;
In celestial-like strains it unceasingly falls
O’er my soul like an infinite calm.

What a treasure I have in this wonderful peace,
Buried deep in the heart of my soul,
So secure that no power can mine it away,
While the years of eternity roll

Peace, peace, wonderful peace,
Coming down from the Father above!
Sweep over my spirit forever, I pray
In fathomless billows of love!

(from “Wonderful Peace” by Warren D. Cornell and William G. Cooper)

In thee, O LORD, do I put my trust: let me never be put to confusion.” – Psalm 71:1


“The reason why the Christians in this day are at such a loss as to some things is that they are contented with what comes from man’s mouth, without searching and kneeling before God to know of Him the truth of things.” – John Bunyan





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