Seeing is Believing… Or Is It?

For we walk by faith, not by sight:” – 2 Corinthians 5:7

Today begins the 3rd week of my health journey. It has been amazing for me both physically and spiritually. Part of my success comes from the support of a wonderful online community where people post their favorite recipes, share tips for success, or respond to questions from those seeking help on their own journeys.

I have read several posts where individuals are in despair when the numbers on the scale do not drop as much as they had hoped. Many say they have eaten right, drank lots of water, and didn’t cheat, but the scale did not reflect a change. They wondered what they had been doing wrong, and some have been close to quitting the program. Then the floodgates open! Responses pour in offering encouragement and help. The posts usually advise not focusing on what they’ve seen on the scale, but instead to continue as they’ve been doing knowing because often the results will come in the form of inches lost, more energy, looser-fitting clothes, etc! The pounds will come off eventually, but it takes time. Basically, their advice is “Don’t depend on what you see, depend on what you know to be true.”

It is the same way in my spiritual life. When I don’t see outward changes in my spiritual life, I get discouraged. I wonder how did I get behind in my Bible reading? Why don’t I remember to pray before I go to bed? Why can’t I remember verses anymore? I am focused on what I see before me, not what I know to be true. If I honestly examine my life, I see a woman who is becoming closer to God through quiet times of morning devotion in her prayer garden, through intermittent conversations with the Lord throughout the day, and through times of thoughtful meditation upon God’s Word as she researches for her writing. I cannot rely on what I “see,” I must depend upon my faith – what I know to be true, and I know that the Bible says if I “Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you.” (James 4:7) There is no sacred recipe for becoming closer to God. The only real commonality is that we must begin with faith in Jesus Christ, and then God works in each of according to our own unique circumstances.

As I strive to be a “doer” of the Word of God and not a “hearer” only (James 1:22), I am taking steps to become more spiritually healthy. Maybe I am behind in my Bible reading, but I am reading it more than I did before. Maybe I forget to pray before I go to sleep, but I do pray more than I did before. Maybe I can’t memorize as well as I did before, but I do remember those verses I did commit to memory long ago. These are the true facts that cannot always be seen, but are the stepping stones to a strong and healthy spiritual walk with the Lord.

I may not see the spiritual results I desire today, but that doesn’t mean they’re not quietly developing within me. I must keep on doing what I know is right in the sight of the Lord, and I know I will become closer to Him. The Scriptures tell us, “But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.” (Hebrews 11:6) As I seek God, I know He will reward me spiritually. I must set my sight on things above, not on things below! (Colossians 3:2)

When troubles rise and catch you unaware
The day to day of living seems unfair
So you try again all your dreams and plans
But they end up in defeat
The fancy frills that once brought thrills
Now leave you incomplete

And you wonder where you’re life’s gone wrong,
And why you can’t find peace
Your hope’s not gone, it’s just been too long
Since you’ve had to believe

Keep believing in what you know is true
Keep believing, you know the Lord will see you through
When troubles rise in your life
And you don’t know what to do,
You’ll be fine if you just keep believing 

(from “Keep Believing” by Tim Pedigo)

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Hebrews 11:1


“Faith is not knowing God can; it’s knowing God will!” – Ben Stein





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