I Am Finally Free!

Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift.” – 2 Corinthians 9:15

The coronavirus was first reported in Georgia on March 2, 2020, and its first death in the state was reportedly March 12th. On March 14th, our governor declared a public emergency, and our world began to change dramatically on March 16th when public schools were closed. Like many others, our family voluntarily quarantined itself believing this would soon pass, and life would return to normal. We were wrong. On April 3rd, Governor Kemp issued a “shelter-in-place” order for all Georgians until the end of the month. I thought that was the light at the end of the tunnel. However, on April 30th, the governor extended the order until June 12th impacting those deemed “medically fragile” and aged 65 or over.

Although I am just shy of 65 years old, my physician told me that I had to remain “sheltered-in-place” for health-related issues until the order expired in June or the cases of covid-19 began to wane in Georgia. Since I am retired, life didn’t really change a great deal for me except in one major aspect, and that was being able to go to church. While my church had a livestream program already set in place long before covid-19 was even heard of, it was not the same as being in the actual sanctuary worshiping with one’s brothers and sisters in Christ. For the first few 11 weeks of quarantine, my daughter and her two girls watched the church services with me at home, while my husband and son-in-law went to church to run the sound and livestream broadcasts for our pastor. Last week, my entire family was finally able to go to church, but I still had to remain at home watching church via the livestream broadcast.

Well, today is my Independence Day! I am free from the ”shelter-in-place” order and eager to rejoin the outside world! My first venture will be on Sunday when I will finally be able to join my church family in person and worship with them! I am more excited that I can even express!

This reminds me of another time when I was set free. For me, it was on March 10, 1968. That was the day that I asked Jesus to forgive my sins and accepted Him as my Lord and Saviour! I can still remember the exhilaration of being freed from the bondage of sin! Even as a 12-year-old, tears of shame quickly became tears of joy as I knelt at the altar of my small church in California and gave my heart to Jesus.

It has been said that a person doesn’t know what he or she has until it is no longer there.  In regard to my salvation, I didn’t know what I was missing until Jesus came into my life as my Saviour. While the thrill of being free from the covid-19 quarantine is great, it pales in comparison to the freedom I have in Christ! The coronavirus may return, and I may be once more “sheltered-in-place,” but I will never be in bondage to sin again! According to John 3:16, when I accepted God’s gift of salvation, I was promised eternal life with Him in heaven! Now, that’s true freedom!

So long, I searched for life’s meaning
Enslaved by the world and my greed
Then the door of my prison was opened by love
For the ransom was paid, I was free

I’m free from the fear of tomorrow
I’m free from the guilt of my past ooh!
I’ve traded my shackles for a glorious song
I’m free, praise the Lord, free at last!

(from “I’m Free” by Bill Gaither)

If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.” – John 8:36


Freedom is never free. The price for my soul’s freedom was paid for at the cross of Calvary by the Son of God.




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