Unspeakable Joy!!

And Jesus said unto him, Receive thy sight: thy faith hath saved thee.” – Luke 18:42

Imagine what it must have been like for the blind man that Jesus healed. One moment, his entire world was enveloped in darkness, and the next, his eyes open to see colors so vivid they take his breath away! He sees the faces of loved ones before whom he could only hear and touch! He glances upward and sees the glorious blue sky with puffy white clouds changing shapes, and he gazes in wonder and awe! Unbridled jubilation that bubbles up inside him, then bursts forth in rapturous praise as he glorifies God for His healing touch, and all those around him celebrate by clapping and praising the name of the Lord for His miraculous work. For the first time, he is able to run through the streets, not worrying about hitting something or stumbling over a rock, so he does! Shouting and crying out that he can finally see! Jesus had touched him in a way he had never dreamed possible, and now he has been made whole! What joy floods his soul!!

What Jesus did for us when He saved our souls from judgment and the punishment for our sins was so much more than what He did for the blind, the lame, or the infirmed. Jesus healed our spiritual being… the eternal part of us. He did what no one else could do! When was the last time you jumped for joy because Jesus touched your life and saved your soul? When was the last time you shouted to the world that the Lord had made you whole? When was the last time the joy of the Lord overwhelmed you so much that you burst forth in songs of praise to God? When was the last time you genuinely thanked Him for working a miracle in your life?

Maybe because we cannot “see” the outward healing of our sin-sick souls, we lose sight of the magnitude of what Jesus did for us, but if we just stop for a moment, and reflect on what the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus really  means to us, there would be no power on earth that could stop us from acknowledging the amazing grace and love of God in our lives! Because of Calvary, we have become redeemed sinners! No longer enslaved by sin; no longer fearful of eternal separation from the Lord!! We have been saved by the grace of the Almighty God!! We will spend eternity in heaven because of what Jesus did for us!! If that doesn’t make you jump for joy and praise the Lord, nothing will!

Praise God, I am saved by the blood of Jesus! My soul has been set free from the shackles of sin, and I am bound for the Promised Land!!! Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!!!

I’ve found a Friend, who is all to me,
His love is ever true;
I love to tell how He lifted me
And what His grace can do for you.

Saved by His pow’r divine,
Saved to new life sublime!
Life now is sweet and my joy is complete,
For I’m saved, saved, saved!

(from “Saved, Saved” by Jack P. Scholfield)

Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory:” – 1 Peter 1:8


Got Jesus? Got joy!


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