Never Forget

For with God nothing shall be impossible.” – Luke 1:37

Have you ever been in a situation where all hope was gone?

I have had two occasions in my life when I believed all hope had been lost. Both were devastating to me, and I had no idea what the future would hold in these two situations.

The first happened when I was in college. I had been studying and training for a teacher’s credential, and I was jubilant when my coursework and student teaching time had ended. I applied to the state for a credential in my chosen field. After some time of waiting, I received notification that the field to which I had requested my credential was no longer a valid subject area for teaching in my state. There was nothing I could do about it.

I had forgotten that with God, all things are possible.

The second happened in 2006 when my dear friend was diagnosed with mesothelioma. A biopsy had been taken and confirmed. Surgery was recommended to possibly prolong the 2-year life expectancy prognosis, but things did not look very good. There was nothing I could do about it.

I had forgotten that with God, all things are possible.

Nearly two thousand years ago, a group of individuals watched their beloved teacher die on a rugged cross. They had hoped that he was the one for whom their people had been waiting all these long years. When he breathed his last breath, he cried out his last words, “It is finished.” There was nothing anyone could do about it.

They had forgotten that with God, all things are possible.

Today, I am a retired middle school teacher with 30 years in the field of education. With God, all things are possible!

Today, my friend with the mesothelioma diagnosis is planning a cruise with his wife to Australia in the fall of 2021. With God, all things are possible!

Today, the tomb that once held the body of Jesus, God’s only Son, is empty because 3 days after His death, He rose triumphantly from the grave to claim His place as the Saviour of the world! With God, all things are possible!

Let us never forget that with God, ALL things truly are possible.

Nothing is impossible when you put your trust in God,
Nothing is impossible when you’re trusting in his word;
Hearken to the voice of God to thee,
“Is there anything too hard to me?”
Then put your trust in God alone and rest upon his word,
For ev’rything, O ev’rything!
Yes ev’rything is possible with God!

(from “Nothing is Impossible” by Eugene L. Clark)

And as they were afraid, and bowed down their faces to the earth, they said unto them, Why seek ye the living among the dead? He is not here, but is risen…” – Luke 24:5-6


Take time to remember all the impossibilities in your life that God has made possible, and then… give thanks!