A Collection of My Tears

Thou tellest my wanderings: put thou my tears into thy bottle: are they not in thy book?” -Psalm 56:8

I have shed many tears in my life. There have been tears of disappointment, tears of frustrations, and tears of personal failures. I have shed the most sorrowful of tears when I  lost someone whom I loved deeply. I remember crying long and hard for my mother when she passed. Another time of heartbreaking weeping came when my daughter left home for college. I watched her and her dad drive off down the street with her things as they began the long journey to her college on the other side of the country, and my heart felt as though it had been torn from my chest. It was the beginning of a new life for her, and while part of me was so proud and rejoiced, there was another part of me that grieved so deeply for this new chapter in our lives that I sobbed and sobbed in this moment of perceived loss.

Like many of you, there have been several times when my sorrow was so great, and I felt so alone in my grief, that I felt God was very distant and indifferent to my pain. Of course, nothing could be farther from the truth, but my heart hurt so badly I couldn’t imagine Him allowing such internal suffering. It was during those times that God used a small bottle to remind me how much He truly does care for me.

A tear bottle is a small vial that has been used for thousands of years in ancient cultures. Upon research, I discovered that collecting tears was a very significant practice in the Jewish faith. When people would mourn the passing of a loved one, their tears were collected in small vials and placed in the tomb with the deceased. This was a demonstration of the love and respect for the individual who died. The Bible states that God collects our tears in bottles such as these as well.

The Lord cares so much about us that when we are hurting and our tears spill over onto our cheeks, God collects them in a heavenly lachrymatory, or tear bottle. Why? God demonstrates His great love for us through this collection of our tears. Not one goes unnoticed; each one is stored by Him in His own tear bottle for us. He knows every sorrow for which we weep, and as He collects our tears, He uses those times of hurting to draw us closer to Him, to remind us of His faithfulness, and to comfort our grieving hearts through His Word.

One day, I will shed no more tears for God to collect. Revelation 21:4 states, “And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.”  Because I have been forgiven of my sins by the Lord Jesus Christ, I have a promised future with Him that will be full of unspeakable joy, and no tears will be ever shed again! Psalm 126:5 tells me, “They that sow in tears shall reap in joy.” What a glorious day that will be!

It is amazing to think the Creator of the universe, the Saviour of the world, the very Son of God, cares enough about me that He saves each tear I shed. What amazing love!

No tears in heaven, no sorrows given, all will be glory in that land;
There’ll be no sadness, all will be gladness, when we shall join that happy band.

No tears in heaven fair, no tears, no tears up there, sorrow and pain will have have flown;
No tear, in heaven fair, no tears, no tears up there, no tears in heaven will be known.

(from No Tears in Heaven by Robert S. Arnold)

Return unto thy rest, O my soul; for the LORD hath dealt bountifully with thee. For thou hast delivered my soul from death, mine eyes from tears, and my feet from falling.” Psalm 116:7-8


If you don’t know my Jesus, I’d be honored to introduce you to Him.

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