Hearing + Doing = Blessing!

James 1:25 “But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed.

When I was first introduced to Jesus, I believe that I looked into the “perfect law of liberty.” When I accepted Him as my Saviour, my life then was directed to “continueth therein.” My responsibility was to grow in my faith, to study the Word of God, and live according to its precepts, thus “continuing therein.”

The verse goes on to say that I should not be a forgetful hearer. I need to remember what I read in God’s Word, but to do that, I need some help because frankly, the Bible is a very big book, and full of more than I could ever hope to memorize. God knows that, so, in John 14:26, He promised me a helper – the Holy Ghost, who “brings all things to your remembrance.” What things? The things God teaches me through His Word. However, if I never read His Word, how does the Spirit of God teach me about them? How can He bring Scriptures to my remembrance? I must do my part! I cannot be a passive Christian. I must be actively involved in my learning process.

Years ago, I remember in school that someone had said it would be nice to just put our textbooks under our pillows and absorb the information while we slept with our heads resting comfortably on top of the books. That’s an example of passive learning, which by the way, doesn’t work! To really learn something, I have to be an active learner. If a teacher is to teach me anything, I must do the required preparation.

Likewise, if the Holy Spirit is to teach me, I must do my homework, which is to read the Word of God myself, go to church and listen to good solid Biblical preaching, and then the Spirit of God will give me understanding. Later when I need it, the Holy Spirit will bring the things He has taught me to my remembrance. When I remember, then I can act, and I can act according to the will of God. This is what enables me to be a doer of God’s work, and not a “forgetful hearer.”

I liken the “doing” part to an exam. Academically, I do better on tests when I study because I am able to apply the learned concepts to specific problems. Spiritually, when I am able to apply God’s Word to a particular situation, the result is that God blesses the work! I am able to bear fruit for the cause of Christ. Maybe it is to lead someone to Jesus; maybe it’s to encourage another Christian; maybe it’s to work in a particular church ministry… there is so much that can be done for the Lord!

In elementary school, I really wanted to do well and secure my teacher’s approval. Now, my eyes are set more on things above, and securing God’s favor. I hope one day to hear my Saviour say to me, “Well done!”

“That ye would walk worthy of God, who hath called you unto his kingdom and glory.”                                                                                                                                                  – 1 Thessalonians 2:12                         




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