Barcelona, Spain

“All the ends of the world shall remember and turn unto the LORD: and all the kindreds of the nations shall worship before thee.” Psalm 22:27

Barcelona is the beautiful capital city of Catalonia, a region of 1.7 million people. It was here that Columbus returned from the New World to meet with Queen Isabella. Barcelona is known for many things, such as the 1992 Olympics and the childhood home of Pablo Picasso.

Cathedral of Barcelona

This cathedral was built on the style of gothic architecture as shown by the pointed arches.

La Sagrada Familia

This church was designed by Gaudi, a famous Catalán architect. Construction began in 1882, and the current plan is for it to be completed in 2026. The central tower, which represents Jesus, will eventually be 110 meters tall. The nativity facade in the front of the church is the only one actually built by Gaudi

before he died. The life of Christ is depicted in the facades around the church. His birth and childhood is on the east side (where the sun rises), and His death and resurrection is on the west side of the church (where the sun sets).

Clockwise from top-left: cathedral; marriage of Joseph and Mary; nativity; fleeing to Egypt

The cypress tree represents eternal life, and the different fruits represent the twelve months of the year.

Clockwise from top- left: cathedral spirals; crucifixion; cypress tree with fives; fruits on top of arches.

Other Barcelona highlights

Clockwise from left: statue of Columbus; site of the palace of the Spanish Inquisition; Picasso artwork; Roman arch and aqueduct; Arc del Triomf

Next stop: Gibraltar

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