Liquid Sapphires

Genesis 1:2b “And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.” 

As we left Ft. Lauderdale last week, I found myself thinking about the Spirit of God moving across the waters of the earth prior to God speaking light into existence. It is difficult to imagine what it must have been like at that time. No lifeforms in the ocean; no sea birds soaring overhead; no islands rising majestically above the waves. Just the Spirit of God gently caressing the face of the waters as He moved along. As the sea breeze blew ever so gently, I closed my eyes and imagined the sweet touch of the Holy Spirit upon my face. The power of God can be like a whisper on the wind, so light upon our consciousness, while other times it can be so powerful that the very awareness of its magnitude is staggering.

As we sailed into the Atlantic Ocean, the coastline eventually disappeared, and we were surrounded by nothing but water as far as the eye could see. Like sapphires in liquid form, the ocean was the deepest shade of blue. The seas were calm; no white foam spilling over the top of cresting waves, just gentle ripples moving across the vastness of a great sea. Could it have been like this when God’s Spirit moved across the face of the deep? No violent storms, no crashing waves, no thunderous roar of angry seas? Just the presence of the Holy Spirit gliding effortlessly over the waters, stirring the depths of the sea in anticipation of what was to come? Oh! to have ridden the wings of God’s Spirit at that time! To witness that moment when God spoke! When creation’s first day burst forth in brilliant illumination! Four simple words, “Let there be light” and millions of glittering diamonds erupted across the aquatic cobalt blue shroud covering the earth when God’s light appeared for the first time!

It’s amazing to think that the same Holy Spirit that “moved upon the face of the waters” is the One that dwells within each saved person. And when God speaks to our hearts, there is once again brilliant illumination in our soul as the light of His Word quickens us and then bursts forth for all the world to see.

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