Stepping Stones

2 Corinthians 4:16 “For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day.”

I love to travel. I enjoy seeing the world God has created, and I anticipate each upcoming trip. For the longest time, Italy has been on my bucket list. I had dreamed of going there and seeing the Tuscan countryside and visiting places like the Colosseum and Pompeii. When my husband and I made the decision to go, I was ecstatic! I visited websites about Italy to discover what I might see. I searched travel books for special places I didn’t want to miss. I talked about it to anyone willing to listen. The anticipation I felt grew more and more as our day of departure approached.

As I read today’s verse, I was reminded of all the changes I’ve been experiencing as I grow older. I have quite a few more aches and pains. I move a little slower than I used to. Sometimes, I am forgetful of things I should remember. None of this pleases me. In fact, I find myself grumbling about it at times.

Today, however, I gained a new perspective about this aging body of mine. I thought about the changes I am undergoing as part of the preparations for an exciting trip. Each day that I grow older is a stepping stone… a facet of my preparations… to a highly anticipated destination. That destination is heaven! Just as if I were going on an earthly trip, part of my preparations include reading about heaven in the Bible, listening to messages about heaven, and thinking about what I will see when I arrive. I am full of anticipation! My heavenly journey will definitely happen sometime in my future, and I am excited to know that one day I truly will be taking that trip! As my earthly body gets older, (and will one day perish unless the Rapture happens first), my spiritual body is renewed each day as I look forward to my future trip to heaven, which was guaranteed to me when I accepted Christ as my Saviour.

Growing older is not so bad after all!

And even to your old age I am He; and even to hoar hairs will I carry you: I have made, and I will bear; even I will carry, and will deliver you.” – Isaiah 46:4


Do you know for sure that heaven is your final destination? If not, drop me a line; I’d love to share with you how you can know for certain that it is!




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